Blessed Prim Mamaw
Crafty Primitive Blog for sharing ideas, craft projects, decorating and getting to meet new prim-minded friends.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Good Sunday Evening everyone!!! Hope you have had a blessed wonderful day. It has been in the high 60's here today....woohoooo....Our Chiweenie, Duke, got to go outside today! He is 6 months old and today was his first time ever being outside on the ground. Boy, he loved it!! His papa, my hubs, bought him a little red harness and red leash, needless to say, he looked quite dashing..hehe. Well, as everyone knows I'm currently "redoing" my bathroom. A friend over at TPP suggested using wood stain to antique your walls. So, I tried this method. I wanted my walls to look old and prim, well I have old and prim!! AND when my husband comes home and sees what I have done I'll probably be "primmed" LOL. No, really, it's not too bad. In fact, I like it. It just took me a while to get the hang of it. I'm not sure if I should have used an oil-based stain.....and I'm not sure about why this stain took some of the paint off...even the top layer of the sheetrock! Thankfully, this just happened in a few places. I think I probably need to do some research before I do anymore walls. Has anyone else stained their walls? If you have why don't you drop me a note and let me know how you like your walls. I'll be posting some before pics of the bathroom, maybe tomorrow. So far, I have "primmed up" the walls, painted the ceiling fan, painted and "re-made" the vanity light, made a shower curtain, will eventually figure out how to make the prairie curtains...heheheh..So, until tomorrow................................OH, if I don't post anymore.....My husband has had me committed..or taken away my computer....Love to all!!! :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday Evening....
Well, I can say it's been one of those days!!! Do you know what I'm talking about? Does everyone else have days that nothing goes right? Well, that is the kinda day I have had. I decided last week that it was time to start "Spring cleaning" which in turn led my overactive thought process to "remodeling" and "redoing"! So, I started in my bathroom. Thought that this room would be a breeze..........WRONG!!!!! One thing led to another, then another, then another and soon the br was in shambles and to be quite honest with you, it still is. And another day like today it may never be I wanted praire curtains, thought they were cute and the window in the br is small and since I have been sewing forever thought this would be a quick easy project. Boy, was I wrong! I'm still not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe my brain is not working right today but, I have a total of four (4) yes (4) panels that are for the same side. I have cut out the fabric in so many different ways yet I still have the same thing. Needless to say, I no longer have enough material to make the curtains. Oh well, I really wasn't satisfied with that material anyway! HeHe....But, it was so irritating to keep making the same mistake over and over. I guess I'll have to buy more material the next time I'm in Beckley. I have been working on other projects as well. This little carrot project was so easy and fun. I called them my "hillbilly" carrots and when you see the pics you'll see why.... while browsing at Lowes Wednesday I happened to see these stakes. They have them in different sizes but the ones I made are 12" and they came in a bundle of 12 and I think they were only $2.00 or $3.00 which made my day!!! So, anyway when I saw these I thought "carrots"...hmmmmm....what do you think???

See, the little stake is just rough wood and that's how I left it. I dry brushed some terra cotta craft paint to the entire stake. After that dried I added my green fabric tops which I just tore the fabric and nailed the fabric to the top of the stake with small nails, I tied some string around the bundle of three. The other one is done the same way except I wrapped wire around this one. I have the others painted but I'm waiting for my son to cut out a bunny for me and I'm going to put some of the carrots with that. As soon as I get that project done I'll post. Can you think of any other projects to do with these stakes..............Let me know!!! Until later, have a wonderful Sunday. May God Bless!!
See, the little stake is just rough wood and that's how I left it. I dry brushed some terra cotta craft paint to the entire stake. After that dried I added my green fabric tops which I just tore the fabric and nailed the fabric to the top of the stake with small nails, I tied some string around the bundle of three. The other one is done the same way except I wrapped wire around this one. I have the others painted but I'm waiting for my son to cut out a bunny for me and I'm going to put some of the carrots with that. As soon as I get that project done I'll post. Can you think of any other projects to do with these stakes..............Let me know!!! Until later, have a wonderful Sunday. May God Bless!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Good Morning blog buddies,
It's going to be a beautiful day here in southern West Virginia!!!! Think I may open some windows and get some fresh air in this house today. So thankful that Spring is on the way. Hope that everyone else is having a great Thursday. I've got so much to do that I don't know where to start. My house needs cleaned, the "Dukester" keeps things a mess...didn't realize that a puppy could be worse than a kid, lol. Need to start on some Easter projects. Got a new idea for those plastic eggs that I probably have 500 or more. Been playing around with different techniques to kinda "prim" them up a little. Gonna warn you, it's a messy Anyway, as I was saying, cleaning, new projects, old projects, such as some items from GW and SA that need "primming". But, I want to be outside!!!! When the weather starts getting warm I want to be working in my yard. Friends, does it ever end!!!! Plus, I've been thinking, oh no....don't tell my hubby, I'm getting the "do over" bug. Come on, I bet a lot of you get this little bug. After spending winter in the house you start to see all the things you want to change. I'm talking MAJOR DO OVER...Got so many ideas going around in my head. I have to start writing everything down. I'm a forgetful kind of girl...hehe. Well, praying that God Blesses You Today!!! Going to leave you with another "find" and how I primmed it up. Remember to....THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX...
This is a jewelry chest that I think I paid $5.00 for. Bought it at GW and it was in really good condition. Now, when I saw this, I thought......spice box!!!! Here is how it turned out
Now, this is a black base with mustard yellow dry brushed over. I wasn't completely satisfied with this look so I......................................................................................
Applied a walnut stain over the paint, to kinda tone down the colors. I think this looks so much better. The only thing I wish I could have changed are the pulls. But I was afraid to try to take them off because I didn't want to mess up the drawers. I would have so loved to have put on some small wooden round knobs!! But, works for me! Now I have a spice cabinet...and I only have $5.00 plus my time. Not bad.......Would love to hear your comments and see what you have "re-made"
It's going to be a beautiful day here in southern West Virginia!!!! Think I may open some windows and get some fresh air in this house today. So thankful that Spring is on the way. Hope that everyone else is having a great Thursday. I've got so much to do that I don't know where to start. My house needs cleaned, the "Dukester" keeps things a mess...didn't realize that a puppy could be worse than a kid, lol. Need to start on some Easter projects. Got a new idea for those plastic eggs that I probably have 500 or more. Been playing around with different techniques to kinda "prim" them up a little. Gonna warn you, it's a messy Anyway, as I was saying, cleaning, new projects, old projects, such as some items from GW and SA that need "primming". But, I want to be outside!!!! When the weather starts getting warm I want to be working in my yard. Friends, does it ever end!!!! Plus, I've been thinking, oh no....don't tell my hubby, I'm getting the "do over" bug. Come on, I bet a lot of you get this little bug. After spending winter in the house you start to see all the things you want to change. I'm talking MAJOR DO OVER...Got so many ideas going around in my head. I have to start writing everything down. I'm a forgetful kind of girl...hehe. Well, praying that God Blesses You Today!!! Going to leave you with another "find" and how I primmed it up. Remember to....THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX...
This is a jewelry chest that I think I paid $5.00 for. Bought it at GW and it was in really good condition. Now, when I saw this, I thought......spice box!!!! Here is how it turned out
Now, this is a black base with mustard yellow dry brushed over. I wasn't completely satisfied with this look so I......................................................................................
Applied a walnut stain over the paint, to kinda tone down the colors. I think this looks so much better. The only thing I wish I could have changed are the pulls. But I was afraid to try to take them off because I didn't want to mess up the drawers. I would have so loved to have put on some small wooden round knobs!! But, works for me! Now I have a spice cabinet...and I only have $5.00 plus my time. Not bad.......Would love to hear your comments and see what you have "re-made"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Not being a good blog buddy!!!
OMGoodness, I can't believe that I have not posted since Feb. 5th....Sorry, sorry, sorry...I have been under the weather for the past couple of weeks...still, not a very good excuse. Seems like time just goes by so fast. Does anyone else feel this way? Sometimes I feel like there is not enough hours in the day to get things done. I have been working on a few things!! Which, I will be loading up some pictures for you to see. It's amazing what you can find at Goodwill, Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity stores! But, I've learned that you have to "always" think outside the box. When I'm shopping I try to look at an item and think..hmmm. what could this be? And, everynow and then something will just say "take me home". You may not know the why or the how but....when I get this feeling I just go ahead and get it. Because I know if I don't then I'll end up regretting Here is a little find that I walked by several times and it just kept calling to me so I finally gave up and bought it. Now, as you can see it's a medium size tabletop ironing board. I just could not figure out why this item was "calling" my name. I do not IRON anything...if wrinkle release and the dryer don't work then it goes back in the closet.....:)
So, later that night I was looking at some of the stuff that I had picked up that day and...............I had a light bulb moment when looking at the board. Ya know what I mean? Got out the paint and went to work...later that night this little board became....................................................
My little beehive...I thought it turned out pretty good!!!! As you can see, when shopping, don't look at what the object is.....look and think....about what it can be...Goodnight and God to all.
PS...I know my pic backgrounds aren't the best. But, you try to photograph something that is at ground level with a "demondog" Chiweenie trying to attack it!!!!! LOL
So, later that night I was looking at some of the stuff that I had picked up that day and...............I had a light bulb moment when looking at the board. Ya know what I mean? Got out the paint and went to work...later that night this little board became....................................................
My little beehive...I thought it turned out pretty good!!!! As you can see, when shopping, don't look at what the object is.....look and think....about what it can be...Goodnight and God to all.
PS...I know my pic backgrounds aren't the best. But, you try to photograph something that is at ground level with a "demondog" Chiweenie trying to attack it!!!!! LOL
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Busy Day..
Hey Prim Friends....
Hope everyone is doing great!!! I've been so busy this week. Had to travel to Richmond Va. with Hubs for a doctor appt...then Friday, traveled to Charleston with my Mom...seems like I was in the car for days. While traveling to Richmond my mind was sure going in circles! Worked on several new patterns which I hope to be able to get in the works sometime next week. Yesterday while in Charleston I stopped by Goodwill and got some really good prim to do things...can't wait to show you these items.Today I have really been busy. Made 5 pantry cakes, worked on and finished two projects which I will provide tutorials for "soon", painted a wood paddle, started working on a bunny pattern that was on my mind and I so hope it turns out good. I'll show you that next week....good or bad...:)
I am going to try to start posting tutorials every other Tuesday on my blog and I really hope that you will come back and visit. I like simple, make-do projects that are easy and quick to complete. I'm hoping that you like those kind of projects too!! Honestly, everything seems to be so expensive and if I can make-it then that's what I'm gonna do.
What are you're plans for Sunday?? Church for me in the morning, then I'm going to visit my new granddaughter, Audrey. Later Sunday I'll be fixing our Superbowl party "food" wings, meatballs, bbq wieners, chips/dip..well, I'm sure you get the We like to pig out and party :). Mamaw here..meaning a huge STEELERS FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. Take time for the Lord. Stay safe, enjoy some football and I'll be back Monday...
Hope everyone is doing great!!! I've been so busy this week. Had to travel to Richmond Va. with Hubs for a doctor appt...then Friday, traveled to Charleston with my Mom...seems like I was in the car for days. While traveling to Richmond my mind was sure going in circles! Worked on several new patterns which I hope to be able to get in the works sometime next week. Yesterday while in Charleston I stopped by Goodwill and got some really good prim to do things...can't wait to show you these items.Today I have really been busy. Made 5 pantry cakes, worked on and finished two projects which I will provide tutorials for "soon", painted a wood paddle, started working on a bunny pattern that was on my mind and I so hope it turns out good. I'll show you that next week....good or bad...:)
I am going to try to start posting tutorials every other Tuesday on my blog and I really hope that you will come back and visit. I like simple, make-do projects that are easy and quick to complete. I'm hoping that you like those kind of projects too!! Honestly, everything seems to be so expensive and if I can make-it then that's what I'm gonna do.
What are you're plans for Sunday?? Church for me in the morning, then I'm going to visit my new granddaughter, Audrey. Later Sunday I'll be fixing our Superbowl party "food" wings, meatballs, bbq wieners, chips/dip..well, I'm sure you get the We like to pig out and party :). Mamaw here..meaning a huge STEELERS FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. Take time for the Lord. Stay safe, enjoy some football and I'll be back Monday...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Windy Wednesday
Well, it's been a little windy here in the coalfields today. Boy, I was "lovin" it yesterday...temps were near 60!! Today it's a lot colder..:(...I'm glad my son got some wood projects cut for me yesterday. I'll be posting pics of these later. He cut out 3 paddle/boards for me and I have 2 finished, but, can you believe it...I'm out of black paint! Now how does that happen to someone who paints practically everything black. hehe..I'm going to Charleston Friday so I see a trip to Michaels.
I finished up a project yesterday that I had started on Monday. Thought I'd try my hand at making a pattern...Don't think I'll win any and you creative pattern designers have absolutely nothing to worry about. I wanted to make a rabbit ornie..something simple. After, "designing the pattern" sewing, and stuffing.......................What??????? The poor little rabbit looked like a bat. :(
Now, I think little Ms. Babbit turned out pretty darn cute!!!!
Ok, have to get off here and get busy crafting...have so many projects going on. But, I'll be back either tomorrow of Friday. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
I finished up a project yesterday that I had started on Monday. Thought I'd try my hand at making a pattern...Don't think I'll win any and you creative pattern designers have absolutely nothing to worry about. I wanted to make a rabbit ornie..something simple. After, "designing the pattern" sewing, and stuffing.......................What??????? The poor little rabbit looked like a bat. :( I started thinking.........hmmmmm. Do I try to revive the babbit.....I mean rabbit or do I stuff this in the craft closet and have a ready made bat for Halloween? What to do? I decided to at least give it a try....Here is what some TLC, a little paint and a hairbow....TA DAAAA
Ok, have to get off here and get busy crafting...have so many projects going on. But, I'll be back either tomorrow of Friday. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
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